
scale change management capability at your pace

Scale the adoption and use of Prosci’s change management solutions. Accelerate the development of a world-calls change management capability. From training materials to e-learning, licensing gives the opportunity to drive change capability development at speed.

Flexible Prosci Licensing Options

Adapt Prosci’s change management solutions to your organisation’s culture and processes

Get unlimited access to Prosci’s patented change management models and methodologies through flexible licensing options.  Customize  materials with your branding, your company culture, and your language. You will have everything you need to build your organisation’s change capability,


  • Customise: Adapt Prosci methodologies to your unique needs and audiences.
  • Integrate: Embed Prosci change processes into your existing learning and development programs.
  • Scale: Build change capability at all levels with ready access to change management training and tools.

Prosci License Options

Choose from the following licensing options to meet your organisation’s specific needs and objectives.

ADKAR Enablement

Create a common language for change within your organization and embed the Prosci ADKAR® Model into how your organization approaches and manages change.

Organisational Change Competency

Lead and drive more effective change by building change competencies in everyone from your senior leaders to your frontline associates.

Enterprise Change Management

Standardise change management across your enterprise, provide access to eLearning and cloud-based apps, and enable customized strategies to ensure must-win projects succeed.

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Prosci eLearning License for Organisations

Accelerate your organisation’s change management capability development. Help your people master the principles of change management from anywhere in the world.

Prosci Change Management eLearning Modules

Give your employees a library of change management knowledge, accessible 24/7. Create a common language for change while scaling appreciation of the impact of change management on business results. Tailor access to your needs.

  • Increase the reach of Prosci change management concepts and tools.
  • Supplement Prosci role-based training for maximum learning transfer.
  • Design blended learning solutions to fit your needs.

Note: Only available for groups or organisations via license.

Download Elearning Overview Guide


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